
This morning when Lola woke up, she felt something special on the tip of her tongue. | |
蘿拉今天早上起床就感覺到有句話一直在她嘴邊打轉! | |
I know the words are there, she said to herself. I can feel them puffing out my cheeks. | |
我知道那句話就在那兒,她喃喃自語,那句話使我的雙頰鼓脹起來! | |
Lola wanted to say her special words to Daddy. But it was too late. He was already leaving for work. | |
蘿拉想對爹地說那一句特別的話,可是太遲了,因為他已經出門上班去了! | |
Lola wanted to say her special words to Mommy. But Mommy was very busy. | |
蘿拉想對媽咪說那一句特別的話,可是她太忙了! | |
"Mommy, I want to tell you......," Lola whispered. "Can it wait, angel?" said Mommy. "You'll be late for school." | |
”媽咪,我想跟你說......,”蘿拉輕聲細語, ”小天使,回來再說好嗎,你上學就要遲到了!” | |
On the school bus, it was much too noisy for Lola to say her special words. | |
蘿拉在校車上根本沒辦法說出那一句特別的話,因為實在太吵了! | |
At the playground, Lola walked up to her teacher. But her teacher was already holding another child. | |
在運動場上,蘿拉走向老師,但是老師手上早已抱著另一名小朋友了! | |
In class, Lola looked over at the annoying boy next to her. I won't tell him m special words, she thought. | |
上課時,蘿拉看了看坐在隔壁那一名讓人心煩的男生, 我才不要對他說那一句特別的話,她心裡嘀咕! | |
At lunchtime, in the cafeteria, everybody was chewing and chomping.Loa kept quiet. Special words should not be chomped, she decided. | |
午餐時間,每個人都坐在餐廳裡使勁磨碎嘴裡的食物, 蘿拉仍舊一聲不響,她可不想那一句話就這麼磨碎掉了! | |
During recess, all the children played running games. Lola didn't say a single word, especially not a special word. | |
下課休息時間,所有的小朋友都在玩跑步的遊戲, 蘿拉還是不發一語,就連一個特別的字都說不出來! | |
After school, Lola saw Frankie, the Skateboard King. Lola smiled. She decided to say her special words to him. | |
下課放學回家,蘿拉看見滑板王法藍奇,她暗自竊笑, 因為她決定對他說出那一句特別的話! | |
But Zoom! The rat sped past Lola without stopping, without waiting to hear her special words. | |
但是,倏的一聲,法藍奇就這麼和蘿拉擦身而過, 他完全沒停下來聽她說出那一句特別的話! | |
Back on the bus, it was too noisy again. Lola felt sulky now. | |
回到校車上,還是吵的不可開交,蘿拉開始悶悶不樂了! | |
At home, in the living room, Lola sulked some more. | |
回到家,坐在客廳裡,蘿拉更顯得悶悶不樂了! | |
Even when her parents got home, Lola kept sulking. | |
就算爸爸媽媽都回到家了,蘿拉還是開心不起來! | |
She didn't feel like saying her special words anymore. | |
她壓根兒不想說那一句特別的話了! | |
During supper, the meat felt hard, the salad felt mushy, and the lemonade was sour. | |
晚餐時間,肉嚐起來硬生生的,沙拉吃起來糊糊爛爛的, 連檸檬汁喝起來都酸溜溜的! | |
"What's wrong, Lola?" Mommy asked. "Won't you tell us?" Daddy asked. | |
”蘿拉,怎麼啦?”媽咪問,”要不要說來聽聽看啊?”爹地問! | |
Lola thought long and hard. I won't say anything, she thought. Nobody cares. I won't say my special words. | |
蘿拉冥思苦想,我一句話都不說,反正又沒人在乎,她嘀咕著, 要我說出那一句特別的話,想都別想! | |
But her cheeks started puffing up, bigger and bigger and bigger still. Suddenly Lola shouted: | |
但是她的雙頰開始鼓脹起來了,愈來愈大,愈來愈大, 愈來愈大, 忽然,蘿拉大叫一聲.................. |